2021 Digital Marketing Trends to Help Your Nonprofit Thrive

It’s that time when I scour the internet for what digital marketing experts predict for the coming year. These trends are foundational for the marketing strategies I create for my clients.

With 2020 being such a wild year, I was incredibly excited to dig into next year’s trends. Since just about every organization took a big digital leap in 2020, I was sure that investing in more content, technology, and emerging platforms would be on everyone’s radar. And yet, I was pleasantly surprised at what I found.

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Less will be more in 2021.


Here are five ways you should downsize your digital marketing plan to majorly up your brand game in 2021.

Less content 

What happens when the world stays home? A massive increase in media consumption

In turn, many brands started to ponder two things: 

1) Are my messages getting lost in the explosion of content?

2) Jeez, there’s some really heavy stuff going on. Is my content meaningful?

These are valid questions. In 2021, brands will continue to cut down on the amount of content they are making and focus on valuable and positive messages. 

Fewer platforms 

Along that same line of thinking, brands are also reassessing which platforms and marketing strategies are working for them. 2021 is the year to cut back on platforms so you can target your energy more productively. Here are a few tips to do just that:

  • Start with the two most essential digital marketing platforms, your website, and email marketing. These are your keepers.

  • Know your audience. When you have a deep understanding of who your key audience members are and where they hang out online, you’ll have a whole lot of clarity on which platforms to retain. 

  • Ask your people. Send out a quick survey to your email subscribers, and ask them which social media platforms they spend most of their time on. 

  • Take the time to make digital marketing goals and objectives. When you have a gameplan, you’ll be able to narrow down platforms that will enable you to reach your goals.

Smaller Content

2020 was a big year for TikTok and Instagram Reels, and disappearing stories on just about all platforms (Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, and even LinkedIn). Small and “biteable” videos will continue to trend in the coming year.

This is good news for nonprofits! You don’t need fancy equipment to show up on stories and create reels. Get creative and have fun. 

Read on: 10 Types Of Media To Tell Your Organization's Story.

Less ad spend

Ok, I’m going to have to eat my words on this one. 

Earlier this year, I made a bold statement that organic reach is dead and that nonprofits must invest in digital advertising. As the year went on, I noticed that committed, creative, and strategic nonprofits and small businesses were growing their online presence without spending ad dollars. 

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But my sentiment remains the same. Throwing up a quick post on your social media pages is not going to bring you growth. Here are organic tactics to focus on in 2021:

  • Take advantage of trends, like Instagram reels and Facebook Live. Center content development on content that the algorithms love.

  • Spend time developing a Facebook group instead of your Facebook page. Facebook prioritizes group content on feeds, and groups allow you to do just want social media was intended for: create community.

  • Collaborate with partners and influencers. It’s one of the best ways to get in front of new audiences. Collaborations don’t need to be elaborate. Consider hosting a monthly live Q&A or takeover with partners.

  • Share valuable content on your website, like blog posts, e-books, and webinars. This helps SEO significantly and shows potential clients that you understand their pain points well. 

Less corporate, more human

In 2021, an authentic and human nonprofit brand is essential. Your clients, supporters, and partners want to know the people behind your organization. 

If you’re struggling to create an authentic online presence, try these tactics:

  • Take the time to hone in on what your voice is. 

  • Show up consistently on live videos and stories. Your followers want to see you and your staff’s faces.

  • Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable or use humor. These are the kinds of posts that your audience will relate to most.

  • Send a welcome email to new email subscribers. A welcome email is a perfect opportunity to tell your origin story and introduce your mission to new supporters.

So, what are you going to do less of in 2021? Let me know in the comments.

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